Monday, March 23, 2015

Would You Hire Monty Hall?

Imagine standing next to Monty Hall, surrounded by enthusiastic contestants screaming advice regarding which door to pick.  And you’re listening, because you are the lucky contestant on “Let’s Make an Exit Deal”!   Door 1 looks as promising as Door 2.  But maybe Door 3 conceals the coveted grand prize.  Behind each door is a potential successor or acquirer, anxiously awaiting for you to hand them the reins in exchange for a deal.

That’s right, you are playing the high stakes game which will determine your future. Should you choose your heirs or management team, a private equity investor or a strategic buyer. And imagine making that decision in a split second, among frenzied bystanders, with Monty Hall as your advisor. Monty is a great guy, but his job is to keep the show exciting and on track.  Monty trades on inciting drama, and the rush of adrenaline which comes with the dream of a great deal.

This Isn’t a Game

Choosing an exit option is complex and complicated. Owners need more than a split second and suggestions from well-meaning friends and acquaintances.  Owners need experts, because:
  •  This is a once in a lifetime event for most owners.
  •   The stakes are high and there are countless risks to navigate.
  •    So many people are impacted: spouses, family, employees, customers, communities, etc.

Little wonder owners like you feel overwhelmed, conflicted, and frankly scared of making a mistake.  The options all look enticing, yet full of unknowns. How stressful!

If You Only Knew What Was Behind the Door

Imagine if you had all the information, the numbers and the personal impact, of each option.  And you could predict how each option would align to your business, investment and lifestyle objectives, and be certain no unintended consequences surprised you.  Now making a choice is relaxing and rewarding because you are confident and in control! How could this be your reality? 

How Do You Choose the Right Door? 

Planning for transition is not a DIY project.  But a Monty Hall clone is not the advisor of choice either.   As you approach change, your business and personal objectives, facts and interests become entangled and thorny.  You need an independent advisor whose only agenda is to:
1.    Help you define your business, investment and lifestyle objectives so you can determine what you want, in every regard.
2.     Analyze, evaluate and advise you on your options in the context of your financial situation, business value, and market realities.
3.     Guide you in implementing your selected option in a way that you control the process, minimize risks, and maximize the outcome.

Critical attributes of such an advisor:  objectivity and resources.  You need someone who is agnostic to which option you choose, but has the resources to evaluate and analyze all the tax, finance, legal, and company and personal implications of your choice.  No one person can be so well versed. So that someone is really a team of professionals with a lead advisor whose principle success metric is achieving yours.   Remember, this is a complex and complicated situation.  A comprehensive planning approach well before selecting an option yields the best analysis, bringing you clarity and conviction.

What awaits behind the Chosen Door?

Peace of mind, financial security, freedom to move on with your relationships intact. You feel no regret because you and your advisors evaluated the merits of all the options, and skillfully navigated the pitfalls well in advance. Your advisor planned for results, which yielded you optimum economics and terms. And best of all, you are confident in your decision, knowing you picked the door with the ‘grand prize’ that is best for you, your family and your future.  

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